Today, Jan 29th, is the beginning of the Year of the Wood Snake in the Chinese zodiac.
In teachings around the world the Snake symbolizes discernment, flexibility, intuition, transformation & rebirth.
I have always been one to enjoy the company of snakes ... at least the kind that are shorter than i. ;)
As the river of life flows, one never knows what awaits them around the bend.
The most enjoyable journeys are the ones in which we're ready for the surprises
When does a journey truly begin?
Is it the moment a thought is laid down & it's seed pops to life
the turn of a key & a last pause
a filled-up tank & a belly-full ?
Is it the 1st full breath window-down with that sweet yellow ribbon ahead ?
Curves Ahead is a journey album.
It's a reminder to be aware
that even when the road is smooth
the corner ahead could change everything